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Czech Republic based mining company


  • Large RESOURCE and RESERVE BASE with significant exploration potential


  • LOW CAPEX and LOW OPEX favorable mining conditions and cost effective extraction technology


  • The most environmentally friendly and ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY with modern ISL production facility

  • HIGHLY EXPERIENCED team and experts with successful production experience

  • NEAR TERM production schedule

Uranium Industry a.s. is a Czech Republic based mining company focused on the development of uranium mining in Mongolia. The company is advancing 4 mining license deposits up to the production stage. The combination of an experienced international team, modern high-tech technology and exceptionally favorable mining conditions make our project on of the most perspective uranium mining projects on the current market.



A Cooperation Agreement between the Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic is signed

Cooperation between Uranium Industry a.s. and Mon-Atom LLC noted by the Intergovernmental committee between the Czech Republic and Mongolia, thus supporting the project on an international level


Shareholders agreement regarding the establishment of Mon-Czech Uranium LLC JVC was signed between Uranium Industry a.s. and Mon-Atom LLC

Mon-Czech Uranium LLC granted 1 exploration licence for the Kholboo area

Uranium Industry a.s. acquired  a 85 % share of the  Gurvansaikhan LLC JVC from Denison Mines Corp

Gurvansaikhan LLC was granted 4 mining licenses

The cooperation between Uranium Industry a.s. and Kazatomprom NAC JSC was set forth by the signing of an MOU between the companies on December 8th 2016. The cooperation between Uranium Industry a.s. and Kazatomprom NAC JSC noted in the Protocol of the 9th intergovernmental committee session between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan


Pre-feasibility studies for 3 deposits completed, feasibility study for the Hairhan deposit completed, adapted to comply with Mongolian standards and approved by relevant authority. 



Additional field exploration and drilling program commenced on Hairhan deposit, focusing on increasing reserves and documenting at an international standard. Work on updated feasibility study for the Hairhan deposit is underway with the aim to increase yearly production to 1000 tU.

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